本文摘要:The leading Chinese e-commerce player Alibaba surpassed IBM to become the worlds fourth-biggest provider of cloud infrastructure and related services in the first quarter, according to the latest report from Synergy Research Group, a data provider on information technology and cloud-related markets. 根据信息技术和云涉及市场数据提供商Synergy研究集团公布的近期报告,第一季度,我国顶尖电商企业阿里巴巴打破IBM公司,沦为世界第四大云基础设施及涉及服务供应商。
The leading Chinese e-commerce player Alibaba surpassed IBM to become the worlds fourth-biggest provider of cloud infrastructure and related services in the first quarter, according to the latest report from Synergy Research Group, a data provider on information technology and cloud-related markets. 根据信息技术和云涉及市场数据提供商Synergy研究集团公布的近期报告,第一季度,我国顶尖电商企业阿里巴巴打破IBM公司,沦为世界第四大云基础设施及涉及服务供应商。The top three on the list are Amazon, Microsoft and Google. 亚马逊、微软公司和谷歌名列前三名。According to Synergy, Alibabas cloud computing service ranks second in the Asia-Pacific region, behind Amazon Web Services, whose market share is around 40%. Synergy称之为,阿里巴巴的云计算服务在亚太地区名列第二,次于市场份额大约为40%的亚马逊网络服务。
Alibaba Clouds international operations are registered and headquartered in Singapore, and the company has international teams stationed in Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, New York, Paris, San Mateo, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.阿里云的国际业务是在新加坡登记的,总部也设于新加坡,该公司在迪拜、法兰克福、香港、伦敦、纽约、巴黎、圣马特奥、釜山、新加坡、悉尼和东京另设国际业务团队。The company is also expanding its service into countries and regions involved the Belt and Road Initiative.此外,该公司也正在“一带一路”的国家和地区不断扩大其服务范围。The G20 Hangzhou Summit, Sinopec, Petro China, AirAsia, KPMG and Nestle are all Alibabas customers, according to the companys website. 该公司的官网表明,二十国集团杭州峰会、中国石化、中国石油、亚洲航空公司、毕马威、雀巢都是其客户。Company data shows that Alibaba Cloud reported revenue of 4.39 billion yuan in the first quarter of this year, up 103% year-on-year. Total revenue for the 2017 fiscal year reached 13.39 billion yuan, an increase of 101%.公司数据表明,今年第一季度,阿里云营收43.9亿元,同比快速增长103%;其2017财年总营收约133.9亿元,同比快速增长101%。